what’s ‘AND SO’?

‘AND SO’ is a homonym to “ensō,” the Japanese word for ‘circle.’ Amongst many things, it reminds me of our perfect imperfection and the perpetual homecoming to ourselves.

The phrase “and so” also serves as a redundant sentence connector to indicate subsequently or soon afterward. Many of the musings reflected here are the realizations that follow moments of meditative lucidity and deep focus.

I aim to publish 2 posts a month: one poem and one personal reflection sitting at the intersection of business, spirituality, personal development, and creativity.

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No more than 2x/ month.

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My website. Instagram. Twitter. LinkedIn. I love connecting with readers & like-minded humans, so don’t be shy and drop me a note. With gratitude. x

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personal reflections and touch points of joy + inspiration.


food enthusiast. former athlete. blossoming creative.